Complete Brake Job
Affordable and reliable brake repair in San Diego. The braking system on your car or truck is as important to performance as it is to safety. As one of the only systems to straddle both categories, the braking system is absolutely indispensable to the operation of your vehicle.
It goes without saying, but signs your braking system need some work, repair, or service is if you hear squealing sounds when you push down on the brake pad, if you experience delayed response time, or if you skid when coming to a halt.
Don’t ignore these important signs; ignoring them could result in a crash. A faulty braking system compromises the ability to operate your vehicle in a safe manner. Don’t risk injury or worse.
The braking system of your car is a complex system that has multiple parts that all must work in unison in order to bring your car to a stop. Considering that most cars weigh over a ton, this is no small feat.
The basic way that brakes work is through applying pressure to the wheels, thereby causing friction to the moving wheels, which in turn causes friction with the road surface.
Friction has a reputation for causing wear and tear on all manner of things, and your brakes are no exception.
If you need brake service, brake repair, brake pad replacement, or need work done on your brake lines, brake rotors, or brake cylinders.
Brake Systems
Your vehicle’s brake system has one job – to stop your vehicle. But it takes several key components to deliver that singular end result. To bring a vehicle to a halt, three things are necessary: leverage, hydraulic force and friction. Leverage is supplied by the driver’s leg pressure and the brake pedal. The pedal is connected by levers and rods to the back of the power booster. The power booster uses either engine vacuum or a hydraulic pump to multiply and transfer the force of that leverage to the master cylinder. The master cylinder is the heart of your vehicle’s brake hydraulic system. It uses applied leverage to force a reservoir full of brake fluid through valves, steel lines and rubber hoses into hydraulic calipers and wheel cylinders. That hydraulic pressure is then used to help create friction.
For example, disc brakes use a hydraulic caliper fitted with brake pads to grab a spinning disc (or rotor). Drum brakes, on the other hand, have a hydraulic wheel cylinder that pushes a brake shoe against the inside of a spinning drum. Either design involves highly engineered parts and precise movement. The more force a driver applies to the brake pedal, the greater the stopping force that is applied at the wheels.
In addition to this primary braking system, most of today’s vehicles utilize an electronic Anti-lock Brake System. Using electronic sensors and high pressure pumps, under certain conditions, your ABS system can measure vehicle speed, wheel slip and brake force. Then it actually pumps the brakes for you during an emergency stop.
That’s why it’s essential to be proactive about testing overall brake components. And to know whether a brake component needs simply to be serviced or totally replaced.
Brake Warning Signs
You know you need brake repair when:
- the brake dashboard light glows amber, indicating problems with the anti-lock brake system (ABS)
- the brake dashboard light is red, indicating a system imbalance
- the brake pedal is spongy or slow to respond
- you hear grinding or constant squealing during braking
Any time you notice these or other symptoms, it’s a good idea to have your brakes checked. At Mr. Car Auto repair, if our inspection reveals you do need brake repair service, we will explain exactly what’s required, what’s optional and provide you with a written estimate before any work is done.
Contact Us
Feel free to call or visit us if you have any questions about our services or request a quote.
3880 Wilson Ave
San Diego, CA 92104
Telephone: (619) 758-98301