Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance (also scheduled maintenance) describes a suite of auto maintenance tasks that ought to be performed on a regular basis in order to maintain the performance, reliability, and safety of a vehicle.
Routine maintenance can be thought of as preventive medicine for a person, the kind of medical tasks that you perform on a regular basis to make sure you’re healthy and remain that way. Routine maintenance works under the same principle in that it seeks to prevent problems from developing rather than solving problems as they arise.
Common car maintenance checklist tasks include tire balancing, tire rotation, wheel alignment, air filter replacement, timing belt replacement, interior lighting check, exterior lighting check, fuel filter replacement, windshield wiper replacement, tire pressure check, windshield washer fluid refill, brake fluid flush, power steering fluid flush, and transmission fluid flush, among other tasks.
Routine maintenance at Mr. Car Auto Care is best done with our certified mechanics who are drilled on thoroughness when performing routine maintenance. If you want an auto shop that focuses on thoroughness and quality work, come in today! We specialize in foreign makes and models, so owners of Asian and European brands have extra reason to bring their cars to Mr. Car Auto Care – the best auto repair near me solution!
Contact Us
Feel free to call or visit us if you have any questions about our services or request a quote.
3880 Wilson Ave
San Diego, CA 92104
Telephone: (619) 758-98301