Window Regulators
Window regulator replacement is necessary if your window rolled down and stayed down. If your power window won’t roll back up, the primary suspect is the window regulator, which, as the name spells out, regulates the windows movement. A window that is stuck down is an annoyance and inconvenience, as well as a major breach in security. It can also lead to damage.
As an annoyance and inconvenience, a broken window regulator hardly requires explanation; of course you want your window to have the ability to roll up when you want it to.
As a security breach, think about it: you park your car somewhere and leave it alone while you’re at work, at home, or while on vacation somewhere. A rolled down window on an untended car is an open invitation for a car thief to take your car or for someone to steal your radio, GPS, or personal belongings. You might come back to find your car plundered or, worse, find an empty parking space.
A window regulator might bust for all sorts of reasons, but the most common reasons include a burnt out motor or a wiring problem. If your window regulator is broken and needs a repair or replacement, don’t wait another day. Your car might be okay for today, but that’s no guarantee for tomorrow.
If you notice that your window is sluggish when rolling up, that’s a sign that the window regulator might be wearing out. Don’t be anxious about rolling your window down anymore, due to the fear that you might not be able to roll it back up; come in today and get that window looked at by a trained technician.
Our window regulator replacement is a snap here because we employ certified mechanics with years of experience. Window regulator replacement can be expensive but it’s a necessary replacement. We work to give you the lowest possible price on all of our services. Come in today for quality work and affordable prices. We service all foreign makes and models.
Contact Us
Feel free to call or visit us if you have any questions about our services or request a quote.
3880 Wilson Ave
San Diego, CA 92104
Telephone: (619) 758-98301